As a former secondary educator, I have proudly invested ten years teaching financial literacy to better support those who desire to receive a greater return on their self investments. More importantly, I seek to provide learners of all levels and styles the tools to properly invest in themselves.
I want those who join TradeFit to view it as decision, simply determining what you'll trade within your current life to fit your future, better self. The decision to be a better steward of your resources is easy, yet the commitment is a process and does not happen overnight. I have chosen to trade my 9 to 5 for physical and financial fitness that makes me more accessible to my family and the things I enjoy. Additionally, it took discipline for me to get to a place where I determined that I was fit to begin trading full-time for income. This lifestyle is far fit for everyone, but it is for everyone who resolves to get fit. Let's get there together.
If you’d like to get in touch, contact us here.